Monday, October 7, 2019

Standard - 1 (Chapter - 3 Exercise)

Chapter - 3

Q.1. Identify and write the names of the following parts of a computer.


Q.2. Select an appropriate option and fill in the blanks.

1. C.P.U. is the brain of a computer.

2. Keyboard has A to Z switches.

3. Moving Mouse moves the arrow on a monitor.

4. A computer is an Electronic device.

5. A mouse is connected with a C.P.U.

Q.3. Put  ✓ against the correct and against the wrong statement.

1. The output given by a computer is seen on the keyboard. X

2. The mouse is shown with an arrow (↖) on the computer. ✓ 

3. A CPU works like a human brain. ✓ 

4. There are two main parts in a computer. X

5. A computer is an electronic device. ✓ 

6. The keyboard should be cleaned with water. X

7. A Pen drive is used to store data. ✓ 

8. A keyboard is connected to monitor. X

9. A mouse is also known as pointing device. ✓ 

10. The device that processes the data is known as storage device. X

Q.5. Answer the following question.

1. Write the names of the main parts in a computer.

C.P.U., Keyboard, Monitor, Mouse.

2. What is a Monitor ?

The monitor is an output device.

3. What is the full form of CPU?

Central Processing Unit

4. What is the use of a Keyboard?

It is used to enter data.

Q.6. Answer the following in one word.

1. I am like a TV.                                                          Monitor
2. I work like a human brain.                                       CPU
3. I am used to enter data in computer.                        Keyboard
4. Moving me, moves the arrow on monitor screen.   Mouse
5. I process the given data.                                          Processor
6. I store data in computer.                                          Storage
7. I must be used on flat surface.                                 Mouse

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Standard - 2 (Chapter - 3 Exercise)

Q.6. Answer the following questions.

1. What is a cursor ?

The blinking line on the screen is called cursor.

2. Why is the keyboard known as an input device?

Because of we can enter data using with keyboard.

3. What should you remember while using numeric keyboard on the right side of the keyboard?

We should remember that num lock key must be on.

4. How are the function keys useful ?

Function keys are used to complete certain tasks very fast.

5. For what purpose are the arrow keys used?

Using with arrow key we can move the cursor.

6.Write the names of any 5 keys which are not explained in this chapter.

Control, Tab, Alter, Print, Esc

7. The keys on a keyboard can be divided into how many section? Name them.

The keys on a keyboard can be devided into five section. (1) Alphabet key, (2) Numeric key, (3) Function key, (4) Special key, (5) Arrow key.

8. Write the names of any five special purpose keys.

Enter key, Spacebar, Delete key, Shift key, Caps Lock key

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Standard - 2 (Chapter - 2 Exercise)

Q.1 Fill in the blanks with an appropriate option.

1. Pressing the left button of the mouse is called Click .
2. A mouse is a Pointing device.
3. We see a light at the base of the optical mouse.
4. Click is useful for selecting an icon on monitor screen.
5. Drag and drop is useful for moving an icon from one place to another.
6. Left button of mouse is used during Drag and Drop.
7. Right Click is very useful to execute some frequently used commands.
8. Double Click is open any program which is displayed as a shortcut icon.

Q.2 See the picture and write the activity shown by them.

1. Right Click                                       2. Double Click
3. Scroll                                                4. Click
5. Drag and Drop

Q.3 Put  ✔ against the correct X  and against the wrong statement.

1.We can store a lot of information in a mouse. X

2. Drag and Drop is used to move an icon from one place to another. ✔

3. There is a ball at the base of the optical mouse. X

4. A mouse is also known as a pointing device. ✔

5. We can see pop-up menu by pressing the right mouse button. ✔

6. The arrow on the screen moves as we move the mouse over the mouse pad. ✔

7. The shape of the mouse is like a cat. X

8. Pressing of the left button of a mouse twice is called 'Repeat Click'. X

9. We can not execute any commands from pop-up menu. X

10. We can scroll the information only on left and right using the scroll button. X

Q.4 Answer the following questions.

1. What is 'Drag and Drop'?

Moving the mouse with it's left button pressed from one place to other and then releasing the left mouse button is known as 'Drag and Drop'.

2. What is the use of 'Right Click'?

Using with right click we can open different pop-up menus. It is very useful to execute some frequently used command.

3. What is the use of 'Double Click'?

Double click is used to open any program, which is displayed as a shortcut icon on the Windows 7 desktop.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Standard - 1 (Chapter - 2 Exercise)

Chapter - 2

Q.2 Join the dots and fill the diagram with colors and also label the different parts of the computer.

Q.3 Write names of any five electronic devices.
        Car, Computer, Fan, Mixer, Fridge

Q.4 Write names of any five devices which work without electricity.
        Pen, Pencil, School bag, Lunch box, Cycle

Monday, July 15, 2019

Standard - 1 (Chapter - 1 Exercise)

Chapter - 1 

Q.3 - Put  ✔ against the correct X  and against the wrong statement.

1. Computer is man-made machine.                                            ✔ 
2. Natural things are made by us.                                                 X  
3. Things made by God are called man-made things.                  X  
4. Natural things can not be made by machine.                           ✔ 
5. Mountains and trees are man-made things.                              X  

Q.4 - Differentiate the natural and man-made things.

(Fridge, Lightning, Bird, Teddy Bear, Spring, Fan, Car, Eye, Tree, Lunch box, Lion, TV, Telephone, School bag, Moon, Sun, Mobile, Aeroplane, Rainbow,Pencil)

Natural Things
Man-made Things
Lightning, Bird, Spring,   Fridge, Teddy Bear, 
Eye, Tree, Lion, Moon, Sun,Fan, Car, Lunch box,TV,  
RainbowTelephone, School bag, 
Mobile, Aeroplane, Pencil

Q.5 - What is meant by natural things?

Answer :  Which things are made by God are called as natural things.

Q.6 - What is meant by man-made things?

Answer : Which things are made by people are called as Man made things.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Man - Made Things

Man-Made Things :- Man-made things are made by people. Man-made things help us in doing many tasks work easily.

List of Man-made things :

1)  Fan

2) Car
3) Aeroplane

4) Teddy Bear
5) TV
6) Mobile

7) Telephone
8) Fridge
9) Lunch Box
10) School Bag
11) Slide

12) Pencil

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Computer Parts

Computer Parts :

Computer has four main parts.

1) CPU,

2) Keyboard,
3) Mouse And

4) Monitor.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Work of Mouse | Computer Hardware - Mouse

Basic Of Mouse 

Q-1 Mouse has how many buttons ?
AnswerMouse has three buttons.
1) Left Button
2) Right Button And
3) Scroll Button
Q-2 Left Button of Mouse has how many click events ?
Answer Left Button of Mouse has two click events.
1) Single Click And
2) Double Click
Q-3 Using with Single Click of Left Button of Mouse what we can do ?
Answer Using with Left Button of Mouse we can select Image, Video, Folder etc.
Q-4 Using with Double Click of Left Button of Mouse what we can do ?
Answer Using with Right Button of Mouse we can open Image, Video, Folder etc.
Q-5 Using with Right Button of Mouse what we can do ?
Answer Whenever, we are clicking on Right Button of mouse at a time one pop-up
window will be open. In there many options like, open, copy, cut, paste, rename etc.
Q- 6 Using with Scroll Button what we can do ?
Answer Using with scroll button we can move the srceen.