Monday, October 7, 2019

Standard - 1 (Chapter - 3 Exercise)

Chapter - 3

Q.1. Identify and write the names of the following parts of a computer.


Q.2. Select an appropriate option and fill in the blanks.

1. C.P.U. is the brain of a computer.

2. Keyboard has A to Z switches.

3. Moving Mouse moves the arrow on a monitor.

4. A computer is an Electronic device.

5. A mouse is connected with a C.P.U.

Q.3. Put  ✓ against the correct and against the wrong statement.

1. The output given by a computer is seen on the keyboard. X

2. The mouse is shown with an arrow (↖) on the computer. ✓ 

3. A CPU works like a human brain. ✓ 

4. There are two main parts in a computer. X

5. A computer is an electronic device. ✓ 

6. The keyboard should be cleaned with water. X

7. A Pen drive is used to store data. ✓ 

8. A keyboard is connected to monitor. X

9. A mouse is also known as pointing device. ✓ 

10. The device that processes the data is known as storage device. X

Q.5. Answer the following question.

1. Write the names of the main parts in a computer.

C.P.U., Keyboard, Monitor, Mouse.

2. What is a Monitor ?

The monitor is an output device.

3. What is the full form of CPU?

Central Processing Unit

4. What is the use of a Keyboard?

It is used to enter data.

Q.6. Answer the following in one word.

1. I am like a TV.                                                          Monitor
2. I work like a human brain.                                       CPU
3. I am used to enter data in computer.                        Keyboard
4. Moving me, moves the arrow on monitor screen.   Mouse
5. I process the given data.                                          Processor
6. I store data in computer.                                          Storage
7. I must be used on flat surface.                                 Mouse